Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by sleightsofheart

Very sadly, the metaphors in the two film versions and Finney's novel are as relevant today as they possibly have ever been.

(And definitely RIP to my fellow Canadian Donald Sutherland).

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Absolutely, that's what made it hit so hard, Kaufman explains his intention with his version in the article I linked and I honestly don't have anything to add to it because yeah. Yeah.

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I used that that scream as a sample in a song a made back in 2021. Such a great flick. https://open.spotify.com/track/1atBehSdHAmAgjNYIgQtk1?si=45051a4602034ec5

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Oh I love this! It was made to be sampled, if I was ever so lucky as to get to chat with Ben Burtt I could ask him a million questions just about that sound alone.

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It's soooo insane. I love it. ❤️✨

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Jun 24Liked by sleightsofheart

This is splendidly written! Watched for the first time (RIP Mr. Sutherland) and hugely enjoyed your take on the film. ESPECIALLY THE DOG/MAN/BANJO. Look forward to reading more of your stuff:)

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Ah thank you! I had a really fun time with this one, genuinely deeply scarred for life by mandogbanjo. Thanks for subscribing, happy to have ye!

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The review so effectively captures the feeling of the movie that it brought back all the emotions I first felt when seeing it.

I was going to take this opportunity to gripe about how hard it is to find, but amazingly, it's now available on Amazon.

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Aww that's so kind of you to say - it was my first watch and I genuinely adored it, possibly one of my favourite ones I've covered for this.

Yeah, I'd rented it on Prime, was mildly concerned it was going to take a bit of sleuthing (I am currently 6 months deep in a search for several New French Extremity classiques and it is MASSIVELY frustrating) but I lucked out here.

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Yes, it was incredible luck. I don’t remember exactly when, but a few months ago, I looked for it, and it was nowhere—not on Prime, not streaming, not in physical media. I might be tempted to attribute its reappearance to Donald Sutherland’s passing, but that was too recent, unless perhaps the rights holders were ready, just in case.

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Whatever it was, I'm just immensely grateful it was on there when I needed it!

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