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I was at the perfect age (and disposition) for this latest scare and my friends and I would scour Edinburgh video stores for these “ nasties” that we were told would scar us for life…

I Spit on Your Grave

Cannibal Xerox

SS Extermination Camp

Driller Killer

Were on the list but most importantly was the fabled “Snuff” movie, the one the video store owners kept in a plain brown paper bag under the counter, a move so horrendous, so vile , it couldn’t be displayed and could only be procured by sidling up to the counter and whispering to the shop clerk “ do you have anything under the counter?” Or words to that effect.

The indifferent negative nod only encouraging you to think there was and he was hiding it.

Strange times indeed, I remember travelling from Edinburgh to London with a couple of friends to see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, as London was the only city showing this movie as councils up and down the UK had banned it.

( an aside and just as amusing was when Life of Brian was released. Again I had to travel to England to see this movie as it was banned in Scotland on its initial release)

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